We're officially 100!


Have we supported you or someone you know in last 100 years? Perhaps you worked as a member of staff or volunteered as part of #TeamEnham back in the day? Better yet, maybe you jumped 15,000ft out of the sky from a perfectly good plane? Whatever it may be, we want to hear all about it.

16th February 2021 marks the Centenary of Enham Trusts’ incorporation and to help us celebrate our 100th birthday we're telling 100 stories and yours could very well be one of them. Have you...

  • Worked for us?
  • Fundraised for us?
  • Volunteered for us?
  • Supported us in any other way?
  • Been supported by us?
  • Lived in the Enham Alamein village?
  • Donated to us?
  • Shopped with us?
  • Attended any of our events?
  • Witnessed any royal or dignitary visits?

...or know someone who has done any of the above? Share it with us!


Submit a story