Your questions around our plans to join Aster Group answered...


General FAQs

What is a merger?

A merger happens when two or more organisations join together to create one new organisation, or when one smaller organisation joins a larger one as a subsidiary company within a Group. It is intended that Enham Trust would join Aster Group as a subsidiary.  As a subsidiary, Enham Trust would continue as a charity and company, and benefit from being able to access resources provided by Aster Group.


Will Enham change its name?

No. Enham Trust would continue as a charity (charity no. 211235), registered with the Charity Commission and also as a company (company no. 173199), registered at Companies House. Both Enham and Aster would be committed to supporting and growing each other’s brand and to promoting and enhancing the work of the combined business.


Why has Aster Group been chosen as a merger partner?

Aster is a registered housing association, like Enham, with a strong social purpose. Aster already has a thriving charity within its group structure, the Aster Foundation. Enham and Aster have worked collaboratively together on a range of initiatives over recent years, partnering to break down barriers concerning disability and mental health. Enham has supported Aster on its journey to achieving Disability Confident Leader status. Aster has supported Enham in mental health and wellbeing training. A number of Aster employees have either volunteered or helped with fundraising in recent years.

Aster has homes spanning from Cornwall across to London and many areas in between. It has over 35,000 homes.  It has a strong track record of investing in existing and new homes and growing support services.

Aster is well governed and financially strong, and therefore a suitable merger partner. Aster has the highest regulatory rating (G1/V1) for governance and financial viability, which it has held since the gradings came into operation. These were last reaffirmed in January 2022 (following their merger with Central & Cecil Housing Trust). 

Aster is as passionate about Enham’s work as we are. It has a strong sense of social purpose and is committed to the long-term delivery of Enham’s objects as set out in our governing documents – our Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Aster has a track record of joining with smaller organisations and supporting them to strengthen their ability to deliver their purpose. This is demonstrated by Aster’s previous mergers with East Boro Housing Trust (EBHT) and Central and Cecil Housing Trust (C&C). Both these organisations provide a range of care and support services alongside housing – just like Enham does and will continue to do so.

You can find out more about Aster Group, how it is funded and its governance framework by visiting


What does this mean for how Enham is governed and managed?

Enham would continue to be a charity, retaining its current registration with the Charity Commission. As a charity, Enham would continue to be governed by a Board of Trustees. Upon merger, the current Trustees would step down and the new Trustees would assume their position. The new Trustees would be members of the Aster Group board.

Upon merger, Enham’s governance would be overseen by the existing governance arrangements within Aster. Aster has the highest regulatory rating (G1/V1) for governance and financial viability, which it has held since the gradings came into operation. These were last reaffirmed in January 2022 (following their merger with Central & Cecil Housing Trust). 

Upon merger, the day-to-day delivery of Enham’s services and activities will continue to be delivered by the existing staff team, led by Enham’s CEO and current leadership team.


Will Enham close any of its services as a result of the merger?

There are no plans to change or close any of Enham’s services or activities upon completion of the merger. Like other well governed organisations, Enham would continue to keep its services under review to ensure that they deliver quality and impact for disabled people, respond to changes in demand and continue to be financially viable. Both Enham and Aster remain strongly committed to Enham supporting disabled people in the domains of housing, care, and employment/education/training into the future.


How would this affect Enham’s customers?

Enham Trust would remain the contracting authority for its current services. All current contracts and services would remain in place and would be reviewed at the appropriate time in accordance with any terms in those contracts.

There are no planned changes that would impact on Enham Trust’s customers as a result of this merger. Like other well governed organisations, Enham would continue to keep its services under review to ensure that they deliver quality and impact for disabled people, respond to changes in demand and continue to be financially viable. Through this partnership, Enham and Aster would work together to look for opportunities to enhance the service offered to Enham’s customers. Both Enham and Aster remain strongly committed to Enham supporting disabled people in the domains of housing, care, and employment/education/training into the future.


FAQs for Tenants

What does this merger mean for my tenancy?

Your tenancy agreement with Enham would remain the same. The services you currently receive would not be affected by the merger. Changes to tenancies could not legally be made as a result of the merger.


Does this affect my rent or service charge?

Your rent/service charge is charged in line with your Tenancy agreement. Service charges are calculated based on the cost of services provided to residents and therefore would not be affected by this merger.


Am I going to lose my home as a result of this merger?

No. You have legal rights and protection as a social housing tenant, as set out by the Social Housing Regulator. These rights would remain unaffected by this merger, so please be assured that you will not lose your home as a result.


Does this affect my benefits/entitlements?

Your benefits and entitlements and terms of your tenancy agreement would remain the same as they were before the merger.


FAQs for Care Home Residents

How will the merger affect the care I/my loved one receives from Enham?

You/your loved one’s placement in our care services would remain the same and Enham Trust remains committed in its aim to provide good quality care. The services you/your loved one receives and any fees that you/your loved one pays would not be affected by the merger. Enham would continue to be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The merger would strengthen Enham’s financial standing overtime, providing access to resources and expertise that would enable Enham to strengthen the quality of its services.


Contact us

If you’d like to feedback on the proposed merger or want to raise any other questions you can do so by:

  • Emailing your feedback or question to [email protected]
  • Write to us at: Enham Trust, Enham Alamein, Andover, Hampshire SP11 6JS
  • Feedback or ask questions at your regular House/Resident/Scheme Meeting
  • Calling us to arrange a 1:1 meeting by emailing [email protected]