Here you will find the reference documents and Payroll/Managed Account paperwork.

Please speak to your advisor in order to complete the Somerset County Council Direct Payment agreement set up forms. These must be completed before sending in any Payroll or Managed Account paperwork.

Initial Set-up

Documents for reference -

Somerset County Council documents

An Introduction to Direct Payments
Direct Payments Policy (October 2015)
Somerset County Council DP guidance

Enham Trust documents

GDPR Introduction Letter
Customer Privacy Notice

Forms for completion -


Data Protection form of authority

Self-Employed Personal Assistants (SEPA)

Responsibilities when using SEPAs (HMRC March 2019)
Managed Account Invoice Template
Welcome letter to providers

Holding Account Agreement

Authorised Payee Form
Holding Account Agreement (Somerset)
Holding Account Welcome Letter

Agency: Holding Account Agreement ONLY

Welcome letter to providers


Employer Set-up
New Employee Starter Form
Direct Debit Mandate for NEST Pension Scheme


If you require any further assistance, contact your local support centre. Our friendly Information, Advice and Guidance team are happy to help.

Phone  Email


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