About History 1960's and 1970's A new coach which had a ramp for wheelchairs was gifted to the charity by the Round Table of Andover in 1961. Other Andover social groups, including WVS and Toc H, provided very welcome voluntary assistance in transport and recreation activities. Enham continues to propser in 1962 with a healthy waiting list of people wishing to come to Enham. The continuing need for development and expansion saw plans made to further develop the main hostel by adding a new wing with 25 to 30 beds; existing houses were improved with 55 having new hot water systems installed. It was in 1966 that the Governing Body realised the need to make provision for the admission of disabled women to the centre. Also, more needed to be done for the centre's elderly people and retiring beneficiaries - there was a revenue problem with new capital urgently needed. Manage Cookie Preferences