Enham Living

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November 2019

Consultation Launch

Consultation Document (Nov 2019)
Consultation Document (Nov 2019) - Easy Read



July 2020

Consultation Decision

In November 2019, we launched a 12-week consultation period to review the model of care that is provided in our three registered care homes. We did this because the model we have been working to is no longer sustainable and we need to make changes to ensure the future of Enham Trust.

We had a lot of feedback from residents, staff and families which has really helped to shape our thoughts as we look to make sure we help our residents live more independently, whilst ensuring everyone is getting the right level of care for their individual needs. Thank you to everyone who contributed.

We are now pleased to be able to confirm the new Enham Trust Care Model. Please click on the video below to hear from our CEO, Heath Gunn (filmed at his home due to the continuing coronavirus restrictions).



We were very pleased that the consultation period gave us such good and positive feedback and as a result the New Enham Trust Care Model looks a little different to the one initially proposed, with changes made to the way the buildings are used. This will allow more flexibility and integration for the people we support whilst also allowing the Trust to better use our resources.


Please click on the links provided below to read more:

Enham Trust's New Care Model (July 2020)
Enham Trust's New Care Model (July 2020) - Easy Read


Your questions answered...


Q: What type of feedback did you get during the consultation period?

A: We were very grateful to get a good amount of response during the consultation period.

There were 39 individual pieces of feedback through our dedicated webpage and via email to the CEO plus 45 one-to-one meetings. We also approached any resident who did not book a 1-1 directly to ensure they had an opportunity to let us know what they thought. These feedback routes were supplemented by meetings with families and friends of our residents, 3 of which were with a smaller focus group.

As a direct result of the consultation feedback, we evolved and amended our initial preferred proposal to minimise the number of people who may need to move flats, address concerns about maintaining inclusive ways of living, ensure a continuation of the mix of abilities that Enham Trust is known for and retain our unique community feel.


Q: What are you doing?

A: We will be de-registering our Care Homes (Elizabeth, Michael, William Houses) and they will now be categorised with the Care Quality Commission under the Personal Care model. This model aligns with our current Care at Home service, which is rated Good by the CQC, and is in line with the national direction of travel for commissioned care services for people with disabilities.


Q. Are you closing the homes?

A: No, we need to be clear that we are not closing the buildings themselves, it is the way that we deliver care within the homes that we are changing.


Q: Why are you doing it?

A: The current model of care which includes the registered care homes is no longer financially sustainable. We firmly believe that this decision is essential to ensure that Enham Trust can continue to successfully deliver on its stated purpose to support disabled people to live, work and enjoy life.


Q: What do you plan to achieve with this new model?

A: The new Enham Trust Care Model will enable us to meet the consultation objective of creating a financially sustainable care model while ensuring that the people we support are always getting the right level of care. As we approach our centenary year the new Enham Trust Care Model is an important part of ensuring we have for a secure future. As an organisation we currently help over 6,000 disabled people a year and our vision is to increase this.


Q: What do the Commissioning Authorities think?

A: The new Enham Trust Care Model is in line with the national direction of travel for commissioned care services for people with disabilities, which aims to support disabled people to live more independently and to have their own front door. Hampshire County Council commissioners, as well as others, have been contacted about the new model and have given broadly positive feedback as it fits within their long-term strategy.


Q: How does this fulfil your purpose?

A: Enham Trust’s purpose is to support disabled people to live, work and enjoy life. We currently support over 6,000 people a year. It is incredibly important to keep developing our work and support because there are more than 13 million disabled people in the UK who, as a group, are twice as likely to be unemployed and 1.8million of these people have unmet housing needs. As we approach our centenary year we are committed to ensuring that we can continue to deliver on the purpose of Enham Trust and help as many disabled people as possible to really choose how they want to live and what support they need to do this

*Statistics from Papworth Trust – Facts and Figures 2018, Disability in the UK


Q: What do you mean by ‘model of care’?

A: In this case the model of care is the way in which we provide commissioned residential services to people with disabilities.


Q: Can you explain what Personal Care means?

A: People who live in this model will be supported with a range of disabilities and co-existing mental health needs to live more independently. This is the model that many of our current residents would fit into if they were now referred by their local authority. It is a model we have a lot of experience in delivering well (through our Care at Home) and one which gives disabled people a huge amount of control over how their care is delivered and how they choose to spend their funding. We are currently rated by the CQC as ‘Good’ for delivering this model of care in other areas of Enham Trust.


Q: Will all current residents in William, Michael & Elizabeth Houses need to be re-assessed?

A: Yes.


Q: Who will undertake the re-assessments?

A: Local authority social services commissioning teams will carry out assessments with individuals to ensure that they have the right model of care to meet their needs. Enham Trust does not carry out the assessments.


Q: Will any residents have to leave Enham?

A: At this moment until the assessments have been carried out, we can’t say. We are committed to ensuring all our residents are getting the right level of care for their needs in a sustainable way and believe that the vast majority will be assessed as being suitable to be supported by the new model.


Q: What happens next?

A: Over the coming months Enham Trust will develop the processes needed to move to the new care model, including working with relevant Local Authorities, our staff and the people we support in the three houses. Once that process is in place the Trust plans to work with the CQC to go through the standard de-registration process. We will provide updates as we go.

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